PVP solutions

Started by DeathCow, Apr 07, 2009, 04:38 PM

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I dont like the idea about 2 realms existing at the same time, just like I dont like dupes. Same as items that are supose to be limited to 1, being more then one. Dilutes the importance of things.

I think mud is allready balanced, compared with other games. It is not suposed to be safe, and if you want to have all the limited, and go scripts 24/7. Should you have those items over someone thats willing to come and find you, kill you and take them. If you dont want to be attacked roll a mystic wear some cloth, or dont worry about valuable items, script in secret locations. Make friends and strong alliances for protection real life politics.

Regarding Limited items being in ganghouses, maybe make it so limiteds cant be vaulted, or put in shop at massive prices, cant be stashed etc. Maybe Limiteds can only stay in the pvp realm.