Realm Item Clutter / Multi-grab

Started by ZLemur, Jan 26, 2006, 12:31 AM

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The Crazy Animal

Well that?s understandable why don't you just go the simplest route and go with giving each items a decay time field ?set in hours?. Then have that field decide how long it can stay on the ground before being removed. If the decay time field equals 0 then it doesn?t get removed.



Cause I generally think of everything in terms of ability modifers..Your way would probably be easier though.

The Crazy Animal

I used to think like that then I started to edit other types of games and after seeing how limitless programming can be and that kind of changed my perspective on how to go about doing things. I really like things to take the least amount of needed fields now since it reduces the need for redundant data programming.

If you use the simple system I just suggested make sure you set a rule to set any imported items that have a black or missing decay time field to be equal to 0. This way it will circumvent any possible problems such as someone wanting to import classic mmud edits into the game and finding their items just poof when left on the ground.