Rewards for mass murder :) (idea in breif)

Started by The Crazy Animal, May 09, 2006, 02:11 PM

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The Crazy Animal

I was thinking last night how many of a type of monster would it take a character to kill before that character learns or otherwise gains something useful. Basically I was thinking would it make sense to track some monster type kills and give micro-rewards that fit with the type of monster being killed.

Rewards such as:
Kill x plague rats and get +1 resistance to disease
Kill x forest spiders and get +1 resistance to poison
kill x half-ogres and get 0.1 DR
Kill x Vampires and get sence undead (Ability changes the text color of undead creatures so you can instantly spot a well hidden vampire in a room full of living NPCs)
Kill x demons and get +1 prot. from evil.

As you can see the rewards I'm thinking of are small and would fit into micro-quests type of catagory. My main thought is if these micro-rewards are hidden around the realm it would give characters a sence of auto development based on what they spend their time doing. The amount of kills for each reward could also be varied and staged. So if its 1000 forest spiders for the first reward it might be 3000 for the next if someone wanted to go that route. Secondly you could also use a system like this to open up prestige classes such as a player that kills 2000 vampires might have the option to become a vampire hunter where as other plays wouldn't see this option pop up..

Any way just a stuck thought I had to get out of my head.


The Crazy Animal

I can see how you would think that off that bat it wasn't what I was going for though. Depending on how high the cost of the reward is and how it is worked into the game would really decide if it becomes a reward for scripting.

What I was looking to do was this:
Create a means to boost the kill value of lower exp creatures that does not equate to monitarty gains.
Create a way of opening up side quests and specilizations
Create a way of using already existing player behaviors to drive events.

Some of the other thing that was of intrest behind the idea was just being able to track the number of kills of any one type of monster:

I thought it might be fun to hand out titles for different amounts of creature kills like. 1000 rats = The Rat Slayer... So as a character plays the game longer and starts having other npcs know about their deeds then they could use some of these auto generated titles to help create more of a dynamic feel to npc dialogs.

Since it also creates a testable number field, it could be used to tigger AI behaviors. Such as kill 1000 orcs and the orcs begin to run from you instead of attack. Kill 100 townsfolk from village x and they will no longer sell items to you.

Any way just an idea no biggy