Plow down to us Bitcoin!

Started by Fury, Jul 18, 2021, 02:13 PM

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Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
Jeezy says "@kill Danken"
Snooch says (to Jeezy) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
[HP=571]:a sa
Snooch says (to Jeezy) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Menace moves to attack Jeezy.
Danken moves to attack Sludger.
Sludger says "@kill Danken"
Snooch says (to Sludger) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
*Combat Engaged*
Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
Snooch says (to Jeezy) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Allanon points the silverwood staff at Sludger!
A brilliant beam of starlight spears Sludger for 132 damage!
Allanon moves to attack Sludger.
The following people are in your travel party:
  Thumper LovesYou              (Witchunter)          [H:100%]  - Frontrank
  Allanon                       (Druid)      [M: 96%] [H:100%]  - Frontrank
  Danken Btanken                (Witchunter)          [H: 97%]  - Frontrank
  Snooch Prev                   (Paladin)    [M: 90%] [H:100%]  - Frontrank
  Menace IronOgre               (Cleric)     [M: 60%] [H:100%]  - Frontrank
Sludger says "@kill Allanon"
Snooch says (to Sludger) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
[HP=571]:l Jeezy
[ Jeezy TrapOrDie ](.x(bitcoin)x.)
Jeezy is a massive, physically Godlike Kang Missionary with no hair and black
eyes. He moves with catlike agility, and is charismatic and outgoing. You can't
help but like him. Jeezy appears to be bright and seems to possess a wisdom
beyond his years. He is unwounded.

He is equipped with:

dented wizard's hat            (Head)
gargoyle hide gauntlets        (Hands)
ruby-eyed skull ring           (Finger)
snakeskin boots                (Feet)
stormmetal bracers             (Arms)
shadow cloak                   (Back)
black silken scarf             (Neck)
behemoth hide leggings         (Legs)
belt of faith                  (Waist)
golden hide tunic              (Torso)
large silvery cross            (Off-Hand)
sunstone wristband             (Wrist)
ivory bracelet                 (Wrist)
black opal stud                (Ears)
ruby hairpin                   (Worn)
darksight mask                 (Face)
jeweled adamantite longsword   (Weapon Hand)

Menace moves to attack Jeezy.
Danken moves to attack Jeezy.
Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
Worn Path
Also here: Satoshi*(Hidden), Jeezy*, Midgar*(Hidden), Daimyo*(Hidden),
Sludger*, Voodoom*(Hidden), Allanon, Danken, Snooch, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Jeezy says "@kill Danken"
Snooch says (to Jeezy) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Snooch says (to Jeezy) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Snooch looks Sludger up and down.
Allanon looks Sludger up and down.
Daimyo surprise slashes Snooch for 184 damage!
Satoshi misses their shot at you!
[PVP detected! (10:03 pm)]
You critically slice Satoshi for 78 damage!
You cut Satoshi for 30 damage!
You slice Satoshi for 15 damage!
You slash Satoshi for 17 damage!
You slash Satoshi for 15 damage!
Allanon casts earthfist on Sludger for 373 damage!
Sludger drops to the ground!
Menace smashes Jeezy for 131 damage!
Jeezy is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Danken impales Jeezy for 246 damage!
Jeezy is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Snooch just disconnected!!!
[HP=571]:gb {Being attacked by Satoshi}
Thumper gangpaths: {Being attacked by Satoshi}
Sludger says "@kill Allanon"
[HP=571]:.@kill Satoshi
You say "@kill Satoshi"
Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
Allanon points the silverwood staff at Sludger!
A brilliant beam of starlight spears Sludger for 90 damage!
Sludger is dead.
Allanon just spanked Sludger!
Sludger is dead.
Sludger is dead.
Jeezy says "@kill Danken"
Sludger just disconnected!!!
Menace gangpaths: {Being attacked by Satoshi}
Menace moves to attack Jeezy.
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Satoshi}
Danken gangpaths: {Being attacked by Satoshi}
Satoshi says "@get-all"
Satoshi says "@get-all"
Worn Path
You notice 3 platinum pieces, 89 gold crowns, 2 black star key, 2 rope and
grapple, trollskin sandals, clawed gloves, black embroidered robes, ebon mask,
black opal stud, black silken scarf, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, mine
pass, tiger-claw necklace, diamond-studded ring, head of the woodelf lord,
platinum bracers, golden sickle, jeweled turban, spider silk trousers, gold
jeweled ring, shadow cloak, multicoloured sash, mahogany wand, emerald-studded
bracelet, dusty tricorne, carved ivory mask here.
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*(Hidden), Daimyo*, Voodoom*(Hidden),
Allanon, Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Danken moves to attack Jeezy.
Satoshi says "@get-all"
Daimyo picks up black embroidered robes.
Satoshi says "@get-all"
Satoshi says "@get-all"
Satoshi says "@get-all"
[HP=571]:g black star key
You took black star key.
Daimyo says (to Satoshi) "{ok}"
Daimyo says (to Satoshi) "{ok}"
[HP=571]:g 3 platinum piece
You picked up 3 platinum pieces
Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
Daimyo picks up black star key.
Jeezy says "@kill Danken"
Daimyo picks up rope and grapple.
Daimyo picks up trollskin sandals.
Daimyo picks up clawed gloves.
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Allanon made Sludger poop!
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Voodoom says (to Satoshi) "{ok}"
Daimyo picks up ebon mask.
Worn Path
You notice 89 gold crowns, rope and grapple, black opal stud, black silken
scarf, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, mine pass, tiger-claw necklace,
diamond-studded ring, head of the woodelf lord, platinum bracers, golden
sickle, jeweled turban, spider silk trousers, gold jeweled ring, shadow cloak,
multicoloured sash, mahogany wand, emerald-studded bracelet, dusty tricorne,
carved ivory mask here.
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*(Hidden), Daimyo*, Voodoom*(Hidden),
Allanon, Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Daimyo picks up black opal stud.
Voodoom picks up rope and grapple.
Daimyo picks up black silken scarf.
Daimyo picks up ruby-studded bracelet.
Jeezy says (to Satoshi) "{ok}"
Daimyo picks up ebony kris.
Menace moves to attack Jeezy.
Jeezy picks up carved ivory mask.
Daimyo picks up mine pass.
Jeezy says "@kill Menace"
[HP=571]:a mid
Jeezy picks up dusty tricorne.
Daimyo picks up tiger-claw necklace.
Daimyo picks up diamond-studded ring.
Daimyo picks up head of the woodelf lord.
Daimyo picks up platinum bracers.
Jeezy picks up emerald-studded bracelet.
Daimyo picks up golden sickle.
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Jeezy picks up mahogany wand.
Daimyo picks up jeweled turban.
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Jeezy picks up multicoloured sash.
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Daimyo picks up spider silk trousers.
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Jeezy picks up shadow cloak.
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Daimyo picks up gold jeweled ring.
*Combat Off*
*Combat Engaged*
Midgar says (to Satoshi) "{ok}"
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Satoshi picks up some gold crowns
Midgar removes runed longbow!
Midgar wields daikatana!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Satoshi casts greater mend on Jeezy!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Menace moves to attack Daimyo.
Worn Path
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*, Daimyo*, Voodoom*(Hidden), Allanon,
Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Allanon moves to attack Satoshi.
Daimyo says "@kill Menace"
Danken moves to attack Midgar.
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Danken"
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Jeezy casts greater healing on Jeezy!
Menace says (to Daimyo) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Menace moves to attack Satoshi.
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Voodoom is looking at you.
Satoshi says "@kill Menace"
You swing at Midgar, but he dodges out of the way!
You slash Midgar for 27 damage!
You slash Midgar for 26 damage!
You swing at Midgar, but he dodges out of the way!
You swing at Midgar, but he dodges out of the way!
Allanon casts earthfist on Satoshi for 149 damage!
Danken thrusts at Midgar, but he dodges out of the way!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 18 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
The Satoshi envelops you in flames!
You are on fire!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 20 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 24 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 1 damage!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 7 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
Satoshi critically shoots an arrow and strikes you for 135 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
Satoshi critically shoots an arrow and strikes you for 81 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
Menace smashes Satoshi for 115 damage!
Satoshi is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Daimyo impales you, but the swing glances off!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
Daimyo critically impales you for 120 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 3 damage!
Daimyo critically impales you for 68 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 3 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 3 damage!
Daimyo swings at you!
Daimyo impales you for 14 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Satoshi says "@kill Allanon"
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Satoshi says "@heal"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Thumper"
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Danken"
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Satoshi says "@kill Menace"
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Worn Path
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*, Daimyo*, Voodoom*(Hidden), Allanon,
Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Voodoom casts mend on Satoshi!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Menace casts major healing on you!
Menace moves to attack Satoshi.
Allanon points the silverwood staff at Voodoom!
A brilliant beam of starlight spears Voodoom for 91 damage!
Menace moves to attack Satoshi.
Allanon moves to attack Voodoom.
Satoshi says "@kill Menace"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Voodoom says "@kill Allanon"
Satoshi says "@kill Menace"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Voodoom moves to attack Allanon.
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Allanon says "@kill Voodoom"
Allanon looks Satoshi up and down.
Allanon moves to attack Midgar.
Menace gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Midgar says "@kill Allanon"
Danken gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Danken moves to attack Midgar.
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Danken"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Allanon moves to attack Midgar.
Menace moves to attack Satoshi.
Midgar says "@kill Allanon"
Satoshi says "@kill Menace"
Satoshi moves to attack you!
There is no exit in that direction!
*Combat Off*
[HP=113]:pick u
There are no exits upwards!
[HP=113]:open u
That is not a door or a gate!
There is no exit in that direction!
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Voodoom looks Menace up and down.
[HP=113]:use prist
You read the strange, pristine scroll.
The scroll explodes with healing power!
Allanon moves to attack Midgar.
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Midgar says "@kill Allanon"
Worn Path
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*, Daimyo*, Voodoom*, Allanon, Danken,
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Satoshi moves to attack you!
Worn Path
Also here: Satoshi*, Jeezy*, Midgar*, Daimyo*, Voodoom*, Allanon, Danken,
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Voodoom shoots an arrow and strikes Allanon for 130 damage!
Allanon is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Danken impales Midgar for 183 damage!
Midgar is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Menace slams Satoshi for 90 damage!
Satoshi is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Allanon casts earthfist on Midgar for 324 damage!
Midgar drops to the ground!
Midgar is dead.
Allanon just humiliated Midgar!
Midgar is dead.
Daimyo hacks you for 5 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
Daimyo hacks you for 20 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
Daimyo hacks you for 10 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 3 damage!
Daimyo swings at you!
Daimyo swings at you!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 8 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
The Satoshi envelops you in flames!
You are on fire!
Satoshi misses their shot at you!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 24 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 26 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
Satoshi misses their shot at you!
Satoshi shoots an arrow and strikes you for 23 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 3 damage!
The collar spikes stab Satoshi for 2 damage!
Midgar just disconnected!!!
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Allanon says "@kill Voodoom"
Satoshi drops to the ground!
Satoshi is dead.
Satoshi is dead.
Satoshi is dead.
Satoshi is dead.
Satoshi just disconnected!!!
[HP=118]:a sa
Daimyo picks up darksight mask.
Danken gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Daimyo picks up black embroidered robes.
Daimyo picks up some platinum pieces
Menace moves to attack Voodoom.
[HP=118]:Your command had no effect.
Daimyo moves to attack you!
Jeezy picks up black silken scarf.
Voodoom moves to attack Menace.
Voodoom picks up black silken scarf.
Jeezy picks up mine pass.
Jeezy picks up black star key.
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Allanon made Midgar poop!
Worn Path
You notice 190 gold crowns, 22 silver nobles, iron crown, lantern, prismatic
trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 2 shadow cloak, 2 runed longbow,
black potion, mine pass, black silk robes, astral gloves, black star key,
adamantite ring, belt of might, fingerbone bracelet, 2 loop of infinite shadow,
2 skull badge, daikatana, dice, 2 rope and grapple, gold jeweled ring, coin
bag, ivory bracers, wyvernhide helm, embroidered black gauntlets, black opal
stud, gold signet ring, reading glasses, golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide
boots, scroll of greater mend, ogre-skin tunic, ogre-skin leggings,
[scroll of greater mend added to known items]
[ogre-skin tunic added to known items]
[ogre-skin leggings added to known items]
blacksmith's hammer, wyvernhide tunic here.
Also here: Jeezy*, Daimyo*, Voodoom*, Allanon, Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Jeezy picks up black star key.
Jeezy picks up rope and grapple.
Jeezy picks up black opal stud.
Voodoom picks up shadow cloak.
Allanon picks up some gold crowns
Voodoom picks up mine pass.
Allanon points the silverwood staff at Voodoom!
A brilliant beam of starlight spears Voodoom for 126 damage!
Allanon moves to attack Voodoom.
Voodoom moves to attack Allanon.
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Allanon says "@kill Voodoom"
[HP=116]:a vo
Voodoom picks up gold jeweled ring.
Danken gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
*Combat Engaged*
Danken moves to attack Jeezy.
Voodoom moves to attack you!
Danken moves to attack Voodoom.
Allanon looks Daimyo up and down.
Voodoom moves to attack Danken.
Allanon moves to attack Voodoom.
Voodoom moves to attack Allanon.
Voodoom casts greater mend on Voodoom!
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Voodoom}
Allanon says "@kill Voodoom"
Allanon moves to attack Voodoom.
Menace swipes at Voodoom!
Daimyo slashes you for 11 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
Daimyo critically hacks you for 89 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 3 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
Daimyo impales you, but the swing glances off!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
Daimyo slashes you, but the swing glances off!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 1 damage!
The collar spikes stab Daimyo for 2 damage!
Daimyo swings at you!
You slice Voodoom for 36 damage!
You slash Voodoom for 34 damage!
You slice Voodoom for 30 damage!
You swing at Voodoom, but he dodges out of the way!
You swing at Voodoom, but he dodges out of the way!
Danken impales Voodoom for 219 damage!
Voodoom is smashed to the floor defenseless!
Allanon casts earthfist on Voodoom for 204 damage!
Voodoom drops to the ground!
Voodoom is dead.
Allanon just beat down Voodoom!
*Combat Off*
Voodoom is dead.
Voodoom is dead.
Voodoom is dead.
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Allanon made down Voodoom poop!
Daimyo picks up mahogany wand.
Jeezy picks up some platinum pieces
Daimyo picks up carved ivory mask.
Worn Path
Obvious exits: east, west
Allanon is no longer following you.
Danken walks into the room from the west.
Menace walks into the room from the west.
Worn Path
Also here: Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, west
[HP=12]:.@do grhe th
Menace is looking to the west.
Menace is looking to the east.
You say "@do grhe th"
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
[HP=12]:l w
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Jeezy}
Worn Path
    A wide path winds around a large rock formation to the south, its width
trampled down with constant traffic. Amongst the matted grasses, large bear
tracks are clearly visible in the dirt, and the trail is occasionally strewn
with small bits of bone and dried sinew. The sound of waves can be heard to the
west, where the sea meets the cliffs nearby.
You notice 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown, lantern, 2
prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 3 shadow cloak, 3 runed
longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 2 belt
of might, fingerbone bracelet, 2 loop of infinite shadow, 3 skull badge,
daikatana, 2 dice, 3 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, wyvernhide
helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 3 gold signet ring, reading glasses,
golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin
tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, wyvernhide tunic, basalt key,
silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key,
glass key, 3 black star key, 2 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key,
crimson bracers, sapphire, black silken scarf, gold jeweled ring here.
Also here: Jeezy*, Daimyo*, Allanon.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Allanon just spanked Jeezy!
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Allanon made Jeezy poop!
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
Jeezy just disconnected!!!
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
Danken says (to you) "{ok}"
[HP=10]:a je
Slobb gossips: lmao
Worn Path
You notice 14 platinum pieces, 21 gold crowns, 31 silver nobles, 9 copper
farthings, iron crown, lantern, 2 prismatic trousers, astral slippers,
starsteel bracers, 6 shadow cloak, 3 runed longbow, black potion, black silk
robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 2 belt of might, 2 fingerbone bracelet,
2 loop of infinite shadow, 4 skull badge, daikatana, 2 dice, 6 rope and
grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, 2 wyvernhide helm, 2 embroidered black
gauntlets, 3 gold signet ring, reading glasses, golden idol, moldy key,
wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin tunic, ogre-skin
leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide tunic, basalt key, silvery
skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key, glass
key, 5 black star key, 5 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key, crimson
bracers, sapphire, 4 black silken scarf, gold jeweled ring, snakeskin boots,
large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 3 black opal stud, stormmetal bracers,
jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith, dented wizard's hat, ruby hairpin,
2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar, darksight mask, behemoth hide
leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants, ebony wrist guard, starsteel
shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots, fine platinum chain, carved
ivory mask, dusty tricorne, emerald-studded bracelet, mahogany wand,
multicoloured sash here.
Also here: Daimyo*, Allanon.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Danken walks into the room from the east.
Menace walks into the room from the east.
[HP=10]:Your command had no effect.
Menace just left to the east.
Allanon picks up some platinum pieces
Daimyo picks up dusty tricorne.
Daimyo picks up emerald-studded bracelet.
Daimyo picks up multicoloured sash.
Daimyo moves to attack Allanon.
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
Worn Path
You notice 21 gold crowns, 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown,
lantern, 2 prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 6 shadow
cloak, 3 runed longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves,
adamantite ring, 2 belt of might, 2 fingerbone bracelet, 2 loop of infinite
shadow, 4 skull badge, daikatana, 2 dice, 6 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory
bracers, 2 wyvernhide helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 3 gold signet ring,
reading glasses, golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater
mend, 2 ogre-skin tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide
tunic, basalt key, silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra
earrings, chrome key, glass key, 5 black star key, 5 mine pass, green metal
key, black serpent key, crimson bracers, sapphire, 4 black silken scarf, gold
jeweled ring, snakeskin boots, large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 3 black
opal stud, stormmetal bracers, jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith,
dented wizard's hat, ruby hairpin, 2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar,
darksight mask, behemoth hide leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants,
ebony wrist guard, starsteel shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots,
fine platinum chain, carved ivory mask, mahogany wand here.
Also here: Daimyo*, Allanon, Danken.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Allanon moves to attack Daimyo.
Danken picks up some gold crowns
Danken moves to attack Daimyo.
Daimyo moves to attack Allanon.
Allanon casts earthfist on Daimyo for 357 damage!
Danken impales Daimyo for 378 damage!
Daimyo drops to the ground!
Daimyo is dead.
Danken just schooled Daimyo!
Daimyo is dead.
Allanon picks up some gold crowns
Allanon gangpaths: {Being attacked by Daimyo}
Daimyo just disconnected!!!
Allanon picks up some runic coins
Allanon picks up some platinum pieces
Allanon picks up some gold crowns
Worn Path
You notice 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown, 2 lantern, 2
prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 7 shadow cloak, 3 runed
longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 3 belt
of might, 3 fingerbone bracelet, 3 loop of infinite shadow, 5 skull badge,
daikatana, 2 dice, 9 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, 2 wyvernhide
helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 4 gold signet ring, reading glasses,
golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin
tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide tunic, basalt key,
silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key,
glass key, 9 black star key, 7 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key,
crimson bracers, sapphire, 5 black silken scarf, 3 gold jeweled ring, 2
snakeskin boots, large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 5 black opal stud,
stormmetal bracers, 2 jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith, dented
wizard's hat, ruby hairpin, 2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar, 2
darksight mask, 2 behemoth hide leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants,
ebony wrist guard, starsteel shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots,
fine platinum chain, 2 carved ivory mask, 2 mahogany wand, jeweled longsword,
jeweled main-gauche, 2 ebon mask, elven boots, diamond, ruby necklace,
adamantite bracers, behemoth hide tunic, behemoth hide gauntlets, behemoth hide
helm, lightning whip, 2 head of the woodelf lord, 2 black embroidered robes,
trollskin sandals, clawed gloves, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, tiger-claw
necklace, diamond-studded ring, platinum bracers, golden sickle, jeweled
turban, spider silk trousers, dusty tricorne, emerald-studded bracelet,
multicoloured sash here.
Also here: Allanon, Danken.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Danken made Daimyo poop!
Broadcast from Thumper "OMG"
Broadcast from Allanon "flex"
Allanon casts stoneskin!
You hear movement to the east.
Menace peeks in from the east!
Worn Path
You notice 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown, 2 lantern, 2
prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 7 shadow cloak, 3 runed
longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 3 belt
of might, 3 fingerbone bracelet, 3 loop of infinite shadow, 5 skull badge,
daikatana, 2 dice, 9 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, 2 wyvernhide
helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 4 gold signet ring, reading glasses,
golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin
tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide tunic, basalt key,
silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key,
glass key, 9 black star key, 7 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key,
crimson bracers, sapphire, 5 black silken scarf, 3 gold jeweled ring, 2
snakeskin boots, large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 5 black opal stud,
stormmetal bracers, 2 jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith, dented
wizard's hat, ruby hairpin, 2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar, 2
darksight mask, 2 behemoth hide leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants,
ebony wrist guard, starsteel shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots,
fine platinum chain, 2 carved ivory mask, 2 mahogany wand, jeweled longsword,
jeweled main-gauche, 2 ebon mask, elven boots, diamond, ruby necklace,
adamantite bracers, behemoth hide tunic, behemoth hide gauntlets, behemoth hide
helm, lightning whip, 2 head of the woodelf lord, 2 black embroidered robes,
trollskin sandals, clawed gloves, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, tiger-claw
necklace, diamond-studded ring, platinum bracers, golden sickle, jeweled
turban, spider silk trousers, dusty tricorne, emerald-studded bracelet,
multicoloured sash here.
Also here: Allanon, Danken.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Allanon is looking to the east.
Shredder gossips: shit
Menace walks into the room from the east.
Menace is looking to the northwest.
Worn Path
You notice 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown, 2 lantern, 2
prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 7 shadow cloak, 3 runed
longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 3 belt
of might, 3 fingerbone bracelet, 3 loop of infinite shadow, 5 skull badge,
daikatana, 2 dice, 9 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, 2 wyvernhide
helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 4 gold signet ring, reading glasses,
golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin
tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide tunic, basalt key,
silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key,
glass key, 9 black star key, 7 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key,
crimson bracers, sapphire, 5 black silken scarf, 3 gold jeweled ring, 2
snakeskin boots, large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 5 black opal stud,
stormmetal bracers, 2 jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith, dented
wizard's hat, ruby hairpin, 2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar, 2
darksight mask, 2 behemoth hide leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants,
ebony wrist guard, starsteel shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots,
fine platinum chain, 2 carved ivory mask, 2 mahogany wand, jeweled longsword,
jeweled main-gauche, 2 ebon mask, elven boots, diamond, ruby necklace,
adamantite bracers, behemoth hide tunic, behemoth hide gauntlets, behemoth hide
helm, lightning whip, 2 head of the woodelf lord, 2 black embroidered robes,
trollskin sandals, clawed gloves, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, tiger-claw
necklace, diamond-studded ring, platinum bracers, golden sickle, jeweled
turban, spider silk trousers, dusty tricorne, emerald-studded bracelet,
multicoloured sash here.
Also here: Allanon(Hidden), Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest
Push gossips: wow
The flames enveloping you die down!
Slobb gossips: i saw it live
Allanon casts rapid healing on Allanon!
Menace is looking to the east.
Menace is looking to the northwest.
Worn Path
You notice 31 silver nobles, 9 copper farthings, iron crown, 2 lantern, 2
prismatic trousers, astral slippers, starsteel bracers, 7 shadow cloak, 3 runed
longbow, black potion, black silk robes, astral gloves, adamantite ring, 3 belt
of might, 3 fingerbone bracelet, 3 loop of infinite shadow, 5 skull badge,
daikatana, 2 dice, 9 rope and grapple, 2 coin bag, ivory bracers, 2 wyvernhide
helm, 2 embroidered black gauntlets, 4 gold signet ring, reading glasses,
golden idol, moldy key, wyvernhide boots, scroll of greater mend, 2 ogre-skin
tunic, ogre-skin leggings, blacksmith's hammer, 2 wyvernhide tunic, basalt key,
silvery skullcap, mithril ring, crimson earrings, cobra earrings, chrome key,
glass key, 9 black star key, 7 mine pass, green metal key, black serpent key,
crimson bracers, sapphire, 5 black silken scarf, 3 gold jeweled ring, 2
snakeskin boots, large silvery cross, ivory bracelet, 5 black opal stud,
stormmetal bracers, 2 jeweled adamantite longsword, belt of faith, dented
wizard's hat, ruby hairpin, 2 gargoyle hide gauntlets, jeweled scimitar, 2
darksight mask, 2 behemoth hide leggings, golden hide tunic, wyvernhide pants,
ebony wrist guard, starsteel shortsword, serpent armbands, padded black boots,
fine platinum chain, 2 carved ivory mask, 2 mahogany wand, jeweled longsword,
jeweled main-gauche, 2 ebon mask, elven boots, diamond, ruby necklace,
adamantite bracers, behemoth hide tunic, behemoth hide gauntlets, behemoth hide
helm, lightning whip, 2 head of the woodelf lord, 2 black embroidered robes,
trollskin sandals, clawed gloves, ruby-studded bracelet, ebony kris, tiger-claw
necklace, diamond-studded ring, platinum bracers, golden sickle, jeweled
turban, spider silk trousers, dusty tricorne, emerald-studded bracelet,
multicoloured sash here.
Also here: Allanon, Danken, Menace.
Obvious exits: east, northwest

Your Friends of Fun Doodle Noodle