New Feature for PVE realms - Corpses

Started by Winterhawk, Sep 25, 2021, 02:05 PM

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We have added a new feature to PVE realms. When you die your equipment is kept contained in a corpse which only you or someone you trust with a pre-set password can recover. Corpses decay over time (currently set to 72 hours), then spill the contents when the decay period is done. To recover your corpse return to the room that contains the corpse and type recover corpse..specify which corpse if there are more than one. To set a password use the command set recoverpw <pswd> and to remove the password set recoverpw off. To recover a corpse for someone else who has given you the password the command is recover corpse <pswd>.
Corpses can not be robbed, moved , or recovered by anyone but the corpse owner if the password is set to off and they are off by default. Your recover password shows in your profile.
Corpses will keep your equipment safe for 3 days, after that they vanish and leave the gear on the ground where it is fair game for anyone to grab.


Long awaited and greatly appreciated, sirs.