"Remort revisited"

Started by Ariel, Nov 04, 2009, 04:04 AM

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I was browsing MMB HQ forums .. and stumbled upon this post. I like the idea this user posted.. just wondering what do people think of this.  Cut and paste below (none of this is my idea). CREDIT: User rootc

Couple ideas for discussion:

Here are my ideas on remort. At level 75 a character has the option to remort. When they remort their character is taken back to level 0 and their experience is set to 0. They get an increased remort level. The first time you remort your remort level would increase to 1.  Most importantly, when you remort you get to pick from a list of special skills or enhancements that will permanetly stick with your character. Example: when you remort you would be able to pick one special ability from a list of approx. 50 new abilities.

Some possible abilities:
Mana regen +20%
Crit cap increases to 50%
Extra swing 30% of the time
Spell power increases by 15%
Incumberance + 15%
Dodge +10
Dodge cap increase by 10%
Accuracy cap increase by 10%
Speed + 5%
AC + 6
DR + 3
Smash power increased by 20%
Backstab increased by 10%
+ 100 hitpoints
+ 100 mana
yourself and party to a specific locals
Immunity to poison
Immunity to Confusion
+10 min damage
+5 max damage
+7 crits
+100 night vision
+20 protection from all elements
+magic resistance cap increased by 25%
+20 magic Resistance

Everytime you remort your character could pick an additional enhancement. So if you remote 5 times you would be at a remort level of 5 and you would have 5 extra enhancements.

Completed quests / race / alignment / class could all play a part in the remort abilities that would be available to you.

You should have the option to continue to play your character up to a higher level. Perhaps level 100+; however, there would be benefits to remort and rebuild your character to be more powerful then ever. Also, with the remort level in effect it would be possible to limit items to a specific remort level. This way the low level weapons won?t be hoarded by the super characters whom are about to remort. It would be fun to have a simple level 75 quest obtain a somewhat powerful low level weapon restricted to remort level 1. Perhaps you could have a level 80 quest that would provide provide a weapon that is restricted to remort level 2 or 3. There could be advantages to build a character above level 75 even if you do plan to remort.

The problem with allowing characters to continue to level past 100 is that you have to create tons of new content to keep the game interesting at all. These characters are usually scripters that are only at keys once a week. This remort system rewards people for actually playing their characters. Also, this system would give value to a low experience table.

The Crazy Animal

I never looked at remort as a very viable solution to the level/content problem. For the most part what it does is creates the potential to further unbalance already unbalanced classes when dealing with bonuses like those listed. Think about it +10 min damage on a lvl 1 character or +100hp the bonuses are huge and would completely dismantle any sense of balance in PVE and PVP for many levels of the game.
So instead of having to make areas for 80s+ developers end up having to making areas for every level,remort lvl pair. Just take for example the sewer; who is going to die down there at lvls 2-4 with +100hp. And really if you remort enough we'll just end up with scripters that can solo script anything and anywhere in the game.


The only way bonuses like these really work and not entirely screw the balance is if they are in a format that is not always active and is only useable a set number of times per day like a special power. For instance a special healing ability might heal say 25% of your total hp (X) times a day. And I use % there so it remains just as balanced and viable to the player at lvl 1 as it is lvl 75. Then it?s only as detrimental to the current PVE balance as carrying a couple of lvl balanced potions around. However even in using more appropriate bonuses like this it doesn?t really fix anything sooner or later it will still get boring playing the same limited amount of content. And with the bonuses it will just slowly get easier each time you do it.



Personally I like the ideas of remort, with enhancement to your chars. So what if a newly remort chars breezed through level 1-10? It's fine right? Seeing how much it takes to level from 65-75, they're not going to get to 75 easily from 65 onwards. The remorted chars get it a little easy from level 1-20 maybe?

For example, if you're a mystic and you go all out for damage. However, the max damage you can get is 400 (say, for example). At level 75 (or 100..or whichever),and you remoted.. and then you choose +5 max damage..

After a few months ..you reached level 75 again..thise time you can get 420 max damage.. isn't that bonus quite low? A character has to remote a few times in order to get back to his level with enhanced damage.. and that's a huge price to pay.

Alternatively, as suggested in the original post.. a character can simply choose NOT to remote..and continue playing to get higher levels.

Also, crazy animal, if you are worried about chars being to script anywhere in the game..think of this.
Bone warriors in Greatermud have insane accuracy. As it is, no-one is able to script there..
Perhaps a warrior, remoted 10 times (each time gaining +5 to his AC), would gain a +50 AC bonus.. would be able to script there at level 75 (after remoting 5 times?
I don't see it may unbalance the game, because how quick can you get to level 75 five times?

I think there are certainly balance issues one may sort out.. but remorting is one good idea, I'd say.


Quote from: Ariel on Nov 05, 2009, 05:00 AM

Also, crazy animal, if you are worried about chars being to script anywhere in the game..think of this.
Bone warriors in Greatermud have insane accuracy. As it is, no-one is able to script there..
Perhaps a warrior, remoted 10 times (each time gaining +5 to his AC), would gain a +50 AC bonus.. would be able to script there at level 75 (after remoting 5 times?
I don't see it may unbalance the game, because how quick can you get to level 75 five times?

I think the real point here is that MajorMUD isn't designed to handle massively powerful characters. Your facts about bone warriors are 100% wrong, but that's irrelevant.  In order to balance an idea like this, you'd pretty much have to rehash the entire game piece by piece, but some of the things on the list you posted are just ludicrous. I don't think you have any idea what things like "Immunity to confusion" would enable you to do in the current MajorMUD content set.

Besides, honestly, why would you want to play to 75 over and over with 0 different options for items, spells, monsters, areas, or really anything? You could argue we do this right now, but the allure exists on resets because it's a completely clean slate for everyone/everything. Playing the same realm over and over where nothing changes besides your char gaining 100 hp or 2 max damage every few months doesn't sound like much fun to me, let alone someone with a short attention span who's already bored by the time they hit 40 (the first time :P).


That was just some "examples" or some "suggestions", to give an example of what abilities you can get from remoting. Some of the suggestions are overpowered, and some are not worth it at all (er like +2 max damage?).
Remember this is an ideas forum and not just for saying "What's do-able with the current code" and "what's not do-able".

Anyway, I re-posted this (from another forum) just because I thought it's an interesting idea. The first thing I had in mind was Diablo2, when the game restarted for players who have completed Diablo2 in normal mode.. there's the nightmare mode and hell mode. Diablo2 was fun for me even when I was playing on hell mode..


Oh there is a cool idea.....nightmare and hell modes...


Quote from: DeathCow on Nov 07, 2009, 09:32 AM
Oh there is a cool idea.....nightmare and hell modes...

Nightmare mode could mean like 50% more mob health and 25% more damage from spells and phys attacks
Hell Mode could mean 100% more mob health, 50% more damage from spells and phys attacks
Super Annoyance mode would include 10 clones of Myrddin, and Shrek, and you wouldn't be able to turn your gossips off.