Lady of the Dark darkness

Started by Fermouth, Feb 20, 2018, 09:51 PM

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[HP=1/MA=1]:l lady
Infinite casts mend on you, regenerating some of your wounds!
lady of the dark
Wearing a large crown of utter blackness you see a figure that is darker then
the blackest night sky. Two eyes, as white as a new star gaze at you. All light
around you is absorbed by this malevolent being and elongated claws weave in
mythical patterns.
She appears to be very critically wounded.
Infinite moves to attack lady of the dark.
You make a complex circling gesture!
A withering blast of dragonfire sears lady of the dark for 243 damage!
The lady of the dark lets out a unearthly wail before vanishing!
You gain 200000 experience.
*Combat Off*
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite casts starlight!
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite stops to rest.
[HP=1/MA=1]:g ro
Infinite stops to rest.
You don't see ro here.
Infinite stops to rest.
[HP=1/MA=1]:g dia
Infinite stops to rest.
You took black diamond.
[HP=1/MA=1]:g dia
Infinite stops to rest.
You took black diamond.
[HP=1/MA=1]:g dia
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
You don't see dia here.
[HP=1/MA=1]:g dia
Infinite casts mend on you, regenerating some of your wounds!
Infinite stops to rest.
You don't see dia here.
Infinite stops to rest.
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
[HP=2/MA=1]:give 2 black diamond to inf
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
Infinite casts starlight!
You give 2 black diamonds to Infinite.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
Infinite casts starlight!
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
[HP=2/MA=1]:.@do go portal
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
You say "@do go portal"
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite steps into the shimmering portal, and vanishes!
[HP=2/MA=1]:go portal
Infinite telepaths: @blind
You step into the shimmering portal, a wrenching sensation evelopes you!
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
A vast, featureless plane of darkness surrounds you.
Infinite casts mend on you, regenerating some of your wounds!
Infinite stops to rest.
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
Infinite stops to rest.
[HP=2/MA=1]:invite inf
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
You have invited Infinite to follow you.
The following people are in your travel party:
  Ascension Obtained            (Mage)        [M: 0%] [H: 0%]    - Frontrank
  Infinite Sarcasm              (Druid)       [M: 0%] [H: 0%]    - Backrank
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite casts starlight!
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @blind
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite casts starlight!
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite stops to rest.
The following people are in your travel party:
  Ascension Obtained            (Mage)        [M: 0%] [H: 0%]    - Frontrank
  Infinite Sarcasm              (Druid)       [M: 0%] [H: 0%]    - Backrank
Infinite stops to rest.
Infinite telepaths: @ok
You are now resting.
[HP=2/MA=1]: (Resting) med
You are now meditating.
[HP=2/MA=1]: (Meditating)
Luxurious Room
Also here: Infinite*, Dhelvanen.
Obvious exits: northeast

Not sure why it gives you light sometimes when she dies and not others....
Broadcast from Stinkyhaze "please dont take me to the bathroom, will"


Killed with 1 hp remaining!


If you are wearing black embroidered robes they are -50 to room illumination which is enough to keep the room dark when her death spell lights it up.


Quote from: Fermouth on Feb 20, 2018, 09:51 PM
Not sure why it gives you light sometimes when she dies and not others....

BER would not explain why some times and not others? Duh?
Broadcast from Stinkyhaze "please dont take me to the bathroom, will"